Metro stations in Budapest are reached by long, steep, high-speed escalators that run twice as fast as any escalator I've ever seen before. Usually the ceilings are so low that, from the top, it's impossible to see the bottom. The first time we encountered one, I couldn't get on it. Steve was already on the way down (and out of sight) before he realized I wasn't with him. I took a deep breath and made a second (and third and fourth) pass at the thing, but I just couldn't bring myself to set foot on it. The station supervisor saw my dilemma. He locked his office, took my arm, and got on the escalator with me. It was still scary, but it worked. In the meantime, Steve was on the way back up, so we passed each other going in opposite directions. I never really got used to those escalators, but I was able to manage them by hanging on to Steve whenever we descended into the Metro.
The river cruise was a much better ride.
Buda and Pest (pronounced "Pesht") were once separate cities on opposite sides of the Danube River. In 1873, they were united (along with a third city, Obuda). Today, each side still has its own character. Like the majority of tourists, we spent most of our time in Pest, but went to Buda to visit Castle Hill.
St. Stephen, the first king of Hungary, is remembered with this huge equestrian statue near the church.
The interior of the church is elaborately decorated.
The oldest capital in the church was built in 1260. It is Hungary's oldest stone carving still in its original location.
Back in Pest, we visited St. Stephen's Basilica. This church houses my new favorite relic, the moldering right hand of St. Stephen. It occupies a place of honor in an elaborate reliquary. To get a good look at the hand, someone must put a coin in a nearby slot to make the light come on for a couple of minutes. Everyone gathers around to take pictures.
Budapest has many grand buildings. One of the most impressive is the Parliament building, completed in 1904 after nearly 20 years of construction.
In front of Parliament is this huge sculpture group honoring the leaders of the 1848 revolution against the Austrian Empire. Unfortunately for them, the revolution failed; that is probably why they look so downcast.
Walking around town made us hungry, so we went to the Great Market Hall, where we had some delicious apple strudel. For groceries and snacks (as well as cheap souvenirs), this is the place to go. They have every possible kind of paprika.
Monuments, memorials, and works of art are everywhere in Budapest. Heroes Square is home to the Millennium Monument, where gigantic sculptures celebrate Hungarian history. Sadly, when we were there, the square was full of scaffolding and bleachers in preparation for a special event, and it was off-limits to foot traffic, so we could see only a few statues, from a distance.
All over town, there are plaques on the sides of buildings, honoring writers, artists, musicians, politicians, religious leaders, and historical figures. They often have hooks below them where people can leave wreaths and bouquets. I don't know who this guy is, but his plaque is certainly creative.
We visited the city's Great Synagogue. It was built in the mid 1880s, and Franz List played the organ at the building's inauguration. After the Holocaust, the building fell into neglect. It was repaired and refurbished during the 1990s and is now an active place of worship. Upstairs is the Hungarian Jewish Museum. Outside is a cemetery where over 2000 Jews who died of starvation and disease during the Nazi occupation of 1944-45 were buried in a mass grave. The "Tree of Life" sculpture by Imre Varga has over 4000 leaves, each one inscribed with the name of a Holocaust victim. New leaves are added regularly.
The most moving memorial in Budapest is "Shoes on the Danube." In 1944, under Nazi occupation, thousands of Jews were deported to death camps. It wasn't happening fast enough for the Arrow Cross, the puppet government, so many people were murdered on the banks of the Danube, where their bodies fell into the water. These empty iron shoes represent those who died here.
Although I knew these shoes are symbolic, I couldn't help but imagine them as having been worn by real people, some of whom might have stepped out of them in that final moment, in the vain hope of somehow floating to safety.
Across the river is the Liberty Statue, erected in 1947 to celebrate liberation from Nazi rule.