
October 11, 2017

The Columbus Indiana Art and Architectural Tours

by Steve W

At the suggestion of a friend, we stopped on the way from Bloomington, Indiana to Louisville, Kentucky, in the small town of Columbus, Indiana. We had been told that there was some great street art and architecture, and since the drive to Louisville was not too long, we had plenty of time for a stopover.

Below are a few of the photos we took as we walked around town for a few hours.

There is a mix of older and more modern architecture:

An office building downtown

The original City Hall

Cerealine Manufacturing Company

AT&T Switching Station

County Courthouse

New jail, with open air dome where inmates can exercise.

The Inn at Irwin Gardens
There was a monument to memorialize local soldiers who had died in various wars. In addition to the names of the fallen soldiers, there were excerpts of letters from some of them to their families. We found two of them especially moving, as the soldiers died very shortly after having written home.

There were also numerous pieces of art on the streets.

"The Large Arch" by Henry Moore

"Conversation Plinth" by IKD

"Eos" by Dessa Kirk

"Flamenco" by Ruth Aizuss Migdal
All in all, time well spent in a small town that we otherwise might have missed. On to Louisville.

1 comment >>

  1. I love Columbus, IN. I've got to go back as I didn't see everything you did.


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